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ChArmINg COTtaGE iN LugO History, authenticity, eternity


Night of San Juan: Meigas and purifying fire

Galicia lives and drinks from centuries-old traditions. Legends and magical traditions intertwine our history and our life. And we like it that way.

In O Forno de Catuxa we are going to remember and relive them.

A special one is the night of San Juan, the early morning of June 23 to 24 in which the sorceresses make spells and concoctions, burn purifying herbs and invoke the spirits of the forest, requesting protection.

For these payments it is said that it is a night of meigas in which the afterlife and the earthly world come together, the moment to scare away evil spirits and the evil eye. The night to invoke good luck, good harvests and fertility.

That night the summer solstice is celebrated and the bonfires illuminate the darkness like torches lit in the middle of nowhere. As symbols of the end of the cycle and rebirth. Around the powerful fire, the liturgy is repeated year after year and petitions are thrown into the bonfire to put an end to all that is evil and so that, from its ashes, like a phoenix, good may arise.

It is a night to live intensely. If you are here you can do it with us: jump the bonfire, drink a queimada after listening to a chilling spell and…, wash your face with the magical water of San Juan.

But if you are not there that day and you want us to do it for you, we propose a plan:

Throughout the year we will have a mailbox so that you can deposit the requests you want to burn that magical night. You can put them in a sealed envelope. We only ask that you leave your email in a visible place. We will collect all the requests and throw them into the bonfire for you. And we will send you a video so that you can check that we have scrupulously fulfilled your will.

Flames of fire, purify

Reach the moon to whom I claim

On this magical night:



And happiness

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